
HLSC Raffle Ticket Sales

Each year the HLSC holds a Raffle for the purpose of generating revenue for the club operations, building/grounds upkeep and facility improvements. Raffle ticket sales by HLSC Members at the area Gun Shows are what makes this possible. Members are able to earn their annual Work-Hours requirements by volunteering to sell the raffle tickets at the various shows. During the raffle ticket sales season (January through the drawing date) members will see requests for volunteers sent to their email addresses.

The HLSC Raffle is headed up by a Member volunteer who leads and administers the Raffle. Members who would like to sign-up to sell tickets at one of the shows listed in the document below should contact the Raffle Chair. The current Raffle Chairperson is detailed below.

The 2024 HLSC Raffle has been a huge success. We are just about sold out of tickets and no further Gun Shows sales will take place.

Thank you to all of the HLSC Members who helped to make it a success!